Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How to save hydrated on weekend camp trips?

I am a member of a living history group that does like mad of camping, recurrently in stove weather. Our costumes often involve wearing woolen outfits, though we also use cotton and flannel look-alikes to stay cooler. I am on diuretic medication for hypertension, and I am also a diabetic, and I discover that I am having a rugged time staying hydrated, and come home tired, sick, and mentally out of sorts, despite constantly drinking water. I don't really consistency the effects until I've returned to my climate-controlled home. A couple of times I have missed work due to emotion ill as a result. We rough it while camp as much as possible. I would appreciate any suggestions of how I can keep myself hydrated and hold on to my electrolytes up while staying in my period-appropriate traits (for example, I can't walk around next to a big bottle of Gatorade in front of patrons, for such did not exist contained by 1630, and cooler space is at a premium).How to save hydrated on weekend camp trips?
You can also take things next to you like apples and watermelon slices. Fruits that contain closely of water really help out your body stay hydrated without weigh you down or making you feel bloated.
Well if you buy one of those hose bottle holders and hide it lower than your costume you got approaching what, 4 bottles of water near you!
What you need is a "camelback" for your trips.
It's resembling a backpack filled near water and after there is a hose to your mouth witch make it easy to drink.
In the Swedish military it be great for long marches within the wood.

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